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TeachElite-PSHE, Whole School, Science, Religion & Fun!

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We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.




We are Science and Religious Education specialist with with a combined 30 years of experience as middle managers both academic and pastoral. We have experience teaching Science, PSHE, PE, Humanities, Philosophy , Ethics, Psychology, Sociology. Lots of our resources are aimed at whole school whether they be AFL activities to Tutor Time resources.
Supply Teacher's Toolkit

Supply Teacher's Toolkit

19 Resources
Supply Teacher’s / Relief Teacher Toolkit 20 resources suitable to use in any subject! Arrive at school every day with an arsenal of activities to use with whatever class you are covering. The lack of work set will never be a problem again as you will always have an educational activity to use with your classes. If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite’s Shop click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/


20 Resources
Judaism MASSIVE UNIT Bundle! Stir up a bit of enthusiasm about the Jewish faith with this is a 10 lesson collection of some of our fully resources ‘grab and go’ Judaism lessons. There is over 8 hours of content here! Great selection of our Judaism resources. Check it out-great value!
Christmas Bundle

Christmas Bundle

15 Resources
A massive bundle of 20 Christmas PowerPoints and Worksheets. This is everything you will need to keep your classes educated and entertained in the way of Christmas this season! Including recommended resources by the TES team! Included is: Christmas Bingo: A bingo activity for the Christmas season. Christmas Countdown Timer: A Christmas themed countdown timer with 10 minutes on each slide. Christmas Quiz: Three rounds. Consisting of Religious, popular culture (Secular) and Music. Please not that music hasn’t been added due to copyright, but you may add your own onto the slides provided. Christmas Secular or Religious Conveyor Belt activity: This is based on the Generation Game activity. This is based on religious and secular items surrounding the Christmas season. Useful for Starter, Plenaries and mini AFL activities throughout the lesson-Pupils love this activity! Christmas Symbols: Pictures to use for a diamond ranking activity on Symbols of Christmas and a task is based on the symbols of Christmas and their meanings. Pupils then peer assess each otters using two stars and a wish. also, A diamond ranking activity based on the symbols of Christmas-three worksheets for higher, middle and lower ability. Christmas Hunt The Symbol-Join Park Ranger Paul as he hunts for the artefacts. Pupils have to write down every item they see. Then decide whether each item is a religious or non-religious (secular) tradition. Christmas-Elf Daily Report Card: Keep a check on your pupils’ behaviour this Christmas with these Elfish Behaviour cards. Print out and handout as an exit pass at the end of the day. A fun way to instill work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas. Does Santa Exist? Class Survey-A whole class activity based on Santa. pupils have to ask 10 peers the question ‘Does Santa exist?’ and record their responses. Then create a pie chart on the results. Elfish Behaviour Advent Chart:Keep a check on your class’ behaviour this Christmas with these individual Elfish Behaviour charts. Print out the three reward stamps and issue one to each child every day in accordance with their behaviour. A fun way to instill work ethic and sound behaviour in the run up to Christmas! Recommended Resource! Naughty or Nice Gauge: A Fun activity for Christmas!! A visual PowerPoint display that you can use with your classes for behaviour management. I have included an editable and an uneducable version purely due to the fonts I have used. There are also naughty, improvement and nice certificates that can be printed out and given to the child to take home. These can be edited on the PowerPoint if yo wish to add a reason for certification, for example. A PDF version is available for ease of printout also. Reverse Advent Challenge: A tutor time Advent activity based on donation and charity. Can be amended to incorporate the whole class or pupils can be spilt into six groups and each group can complete their own Reverse Advent Challenge. Space Mission Christmas Edition: Join Space Explorer Steve as he hunts for the artefacts. Pupils have to write down every item they see. Then decide whether each item is a religious or non-religious (secular) tradition and a worksheet to accompany the Space Mission Christmas Edition PPT Please leave a comment if you have the time, it would be much appreciated. Also Check out our Nativity bundle! Available at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-nativity-11423425


16 Resources
Over 12 hours of content. Can be used with KS3 or 4 Included in this Hinduism Unit is: Intro to Hinduism Arranged Marriages Wedding Ceremony Ganesha Religious Vocabulary Display Gods & Goddesses Trimurti Rama & Sita Religious Festivals Hindu Life Puja Reincarnation Diwali Pack & Quiz This unit now has over 14 hours of content and contains an INTERACTIVE Hindu Gods & Goddesses activity. #BACKTOSCHOOL If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE.<br /> <br /> We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
Religious Education GCSE

Religious Education GCSE

9 Resources
This bundle includes the initial lessons needed to introduce pupils to the new RS specification. This can be used for Short Course or Full Course. Included in this bundle is: Lesson 1: Welcome to GCSE Religious Studies-This is the first of many new resources that we will be uploading over the next few months in preparation for the NEW WJEC GCSE Specification that is due to commence in September. An introduction lesson for WJEC GCSE pupils informing them of what the Short Course will entail. This lesson is an overview of Unit 1. We have added a second religion of Judaism. However, we have left the resource partially editable so that you can add your own religion of choice should you wish to do so. NB This lesson can be used with year 9 pupils as we are aware that more and more schools are opting for a 3 year GCSE course. The activities included are: What is religion? , Overview of the Course placemat, Christianity beliefs and practices Key Concepts sort task and worksheet. Lesson 2: Introduction to Christianity-This lesson is designed to be a summary of some of the key concepts of Christianity. It is the second in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. The starter activity is based on our Conveyor Belt activity and is designed to ascertain pupil prior knowledge. Pupils have to complete a peer assessment task based on this also. This PowerPoint has interactive features in the form of a ‘Fidget Spinner Selector’ whereby different religious concepts can be randomly selected. There is a Christianity placemat that is designed to be enlarged to A3 size for pupils to make notes as they progress through the lesson. Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Additionally, There is an order activity on the Apostles Creed that can be printed out and laminated for pupils to complete should you wish. The plenary activity is our Rainbow Game interactive activity. There are 20 questions provided for pupils to take part in a class quiz prior to exiting the lesson. You can view a sample of the booklet here http://fliphtml5.com/gonfq/yuzr Lesson 3: The History of Christianity-This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. This lesson is designed to be a summary of some of the key events in Christian history. It is the 3rd in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. The starter activity is based on our the fidget spinner activity from last lesson and is designed to ascertain pupil understanding of last lesson’s topic. There is a Fidget Spinner Placemat that is designed to be enlarged to A3 size for pupils to make notes as they progress through the starter activity. There is also a fidget spinner sheet (without space for notes) that you can print in colour and laminate for classroom use. Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Additionally, There is an order activity on key events in the Bible and Christianity to date. There are lots of events included to give you the option to use them all or select the events that you would like to include in your own lessons. The plenary activity is our Emoji Graph. Pupils are asked to choose some of the key events in Christian history and create an emoji graph based on this. The number of events for them to choose has been left to your discretion depending on the ability of the class. This PPT also includes a video link to Christianity in our society today. Lesson 4: Christian Denominations- This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. It is the 4th in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 34 slides Resource Booklet: 15 Sheets. This lesson is designed to be an overview of the main Christian denominations. The starter activity is based on our Stop the Clock activity on prior learning of Christian key words. This is a really fun activity, pupils love it! Thinking Skills Task: There are 8 slides on the PPT that take pupils through the basics of 8 Christian denominations. It is recommended that these be printed out and either laminated or given to pupils for this Task. Pupils must cut out the statements provided and categorise them on the Christian Denominations placemat (Print this out as A3 to ensure that there is enough room for all of the statements) Religious Vocabulary: Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Homework Activity: Working in groups of three, pupils must create a teaching aid on the Christian Denominations. Plenary activity: Trump this! There are 12 cards based on the denominations studied during the lesson. Lesson 5: The Trinity: This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. It is the 5th in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. However, it can easily be used with KS3. This pack includes: PowerPoint: 20 slides Resource Booklet: 5 Sheets.This lesson is designed to be an introduction to the concept of the Trinity. Starter activity: Pupils are tasked with making an acrostic poem based on prior learning of three key words. Summarise Task: Pupils are given information about the Trinity and asked to summaries this on an A4 map. There is also a link to a youtube video on the Trinity. They will then be required to condense their learning even more into one paragraph. Religious Vocabulary: Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Homework Activity: To research facts about Jesus in preparation for their next lesson. Plenary activity: Tweet it. Lesson 6 & 7: The Existence of God: his is a ‘Grab & Go’ Lesson-Zero prep Required and is designed to get pupils thinking about the existence of God through the Ontological Theory. Included: PowerPoint (53 slides) & Work booklet (10 pages) This lesson slots into any year 9 SoW or can be used alongside our GCSE resources designed for the new specification. (This is lesson 5 in the range). This can either be a fast paced 60 minutes or span two lessons. Giving pupils the initial lesson to research and plan and then the second lesson as a P4C lesson to thoroughly debate this topic. It is a fully resourced lesson with PowerPoint and worksheets with a card sort sheet that can either be printed and pupils can cut the information out to stick in their books or you can laminate the cards for group tasks. There is also a help sheet included on how to come up with a convincing argument. Homework: Pupils have to research famous Theist, Atheist and Agnostics and their principles along with some very important religious vocabulary. The aim is for pupils to come up with plausible arguments whether there is or is not a God (using the Ontological Theory as evidence) and to present this in a group discussion. Lesson 8 & 9: Jesus- This is your Life (2 lessons)… This is a Grab & Go Lesson! Zero prep. It is the 8 & 9 in the series of resources we are creating for the new RS GCSE. It was originally planned to span a 2 hour double lesson, but can easily be split into a series of lessons. It can most definitely be used @ KS3 too! This pack includes: PowerPoint: 73 slides!!! Resource Booklet: 9 Sheets. This lesson is designed to be an overview of the life of Jesus. Starter activity: Give me 5 activity Summary of Task: Pupils are asked to draw what they think Jesus looked like and then watch a 5 min clip on what he probably looked like. There is a handy diagram illustrating the life of Jesus too. Pupils are taken through some facts about his lifestyle. Beat the Teacher: The next task pupils have to find Biblical references about the Messiah (Bibles are needed for this activity). Jesus, this is your life (in 10 mins) The PPT guides pupils through the life of Jesus and the main events that occurred. There is a match up activity on the names of Jesus and a HW task on the I am sayings. Plenary is our Moo or False activity-pupils absolutely love this!! Religious Vocabulary: Pupils have opportunity to use the Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet to add any additional Key Words they learn during the lesson. Homework Activity: To research facts about Jesus in preparation for their next lesson. GCSE Religious Studies Vocabulary Booklet. (Unit 1)-An A-Z vocabulary booklet based on the new WJEC Specification Unit 1. This contains specific vocabulary that pupils need to know for the exam, with other relevant key words together with space for pupils to add their own specific content. The majority of pages are dedicated to a letter. were as come letters (Y & Z, for example) share a page. The booklet is 39 pages long, this will allow you to have it printed back to back in magazine form as either an A5 (printed on A4 paper) or A4 booklet (printed on A3 paper).
Back to School

Back to School

15 Resources
This Back To School recovery curriculum bundle is the perfect way to start the year. Packed full of recovery resources, to suit any subject or tutor group. Use it alongside the normal curriculum as a supplementary resource to aid in the transition of back to school following COVID. Perfect for all subjects Use as Tutor Time resource Includes: Desktop Organiser Time Capsule All About Me Reward resources Brain Breaks Debate Generators Wellbeing & Much more!


16 Resources
Newly Qualified Teacher : NQT / PGCE Toolkit Be prepared for anything with this fantastic selection of some of our best selling resource. This is perfect for any Newly Qualified Teacher Or Recently Qualified Teacher. There is something for every subject and every occasion in this pack. We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes TeachElite's Shop click the'Follow this Author button' . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/
God Unit

God Unit

13 Resources
This unit covers Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity. It explored the nature of God according to these three religions and allows the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of the view of God form these faith perspectives. This resource includes: God-Ontological Argument Passion CSI Resurrection CSI Trinity Jesus Man or God Jewish Messiah Judaism & God Fully Resources & Interactive Plus much more! Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies. #teach #TeachRE #TeachChristianity #TeachJudaism #TeachScience #TeachPSHE & RSE We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us at TeachElite and click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on Twitter and Facebook
Black History clipart, BHM

Black History clipart, BHM

Attention High School History creators and educators! Are you tired of wasting valuable time searching for clipart that isn’t suitable for your students? Look no further because we have the solution you’ve been waiting for! Realistic and non cutesy clipart at your fingertips! Introducing our Black History Figures clipart pack, another instalment in our realistic series for History, Humanities and and Tutoe Time. NB, if you do not see a person in this bundle, contact us and we will do our best to add it for you :) IN THIS PACK: Arthur Ashe Barack Obama Benjamin O Davis Jr Bessie Coleman Colin Powell Condoleezza Rice Crispus Attucks Frederick Mckinley Jones Gerrett Morgan Guion Bluford Harriet Tubman Ida B Wells Jackie Robinson John Lewis Katherine Johnson Langston Hughes Louis Armstrong Mae Jemison Malcom X Martin Luther King Jr Mary McLeod Bethune Matthew Henson Michelle Obama Misty Copeland Muhammad Ali Ralph Ellison Robert Robinson Taylor Rosa Parks Shirley Chisholm Thurgood Marshall William Edward Burghardt Du Bois Barbara Jordan Billie Holiday George Washington Carve Sojourner Truth This versatile clip art set is a must-have for teachers and resource creators. Say goodbye to restrictions on commercial use, as this pack allows you to use the images in all of your projects. What’s more, it even includes a moveable license, giving you the flexibility you need. Make your educational resources stand out with our BHM Figures clipart pack. With 105 different PNG items to choose from (35 figures- colored, Black and white and line drawing) , you can add a vibrant touch to your materials. Each element comes with a commercial and MOVEABLE license, granting you peace of mind when it comes to copyright. In this clipart pack, you’ll find 35 important figures from the omen of the Black History Figures clipart pack we’ve got you covered. Perfect for Black History Month!! Dive into history and engage your students with visuals that bring their learning to life. Please note that all items are conveniently downloadable in PNG format, ensuring compatibility across various platforms and applications. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your teaching resources with authentic and age-appropriate clipart. Join the countless educators who have already benefited from our Figures clipart packs. Please note that the items are downloadable in png format. USES… Resources for sale Your own personal use Personal Classroom use Displays Pins TpT Product Covers Instagram Reels Instagram Pics Facebook Videos Any Social Media T&C ☐This is an instant download file. ☐Once you make your purchase you will have the ability to download this product and it is ready to use. © 2023 made by TeachElite. All rights reserved.
Religious Education: Year of RE

Religious Education: Year of RE

Continue to Chill for the rest of your holidays safe in the knowledge that we have taken care of RE planning for you! BESPOKE YEAR OF RE!! A FULL YEAR!!! **Over 37 **Hours of Content & 4 Units of Study!! Please take a look in our shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite for your choice of 4 units and inbox us via our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/ or email us teachelite@yahoo.com We will send you the link with the 4 RE Units of your choice… Review our resource and choose another product from our shop (up to the value of £5) We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on… Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/ #BACKTOSCHOOL
7 & 8 RE

7 & 8 RE

A FULL YEAR!!! **37 **Hours of Content & 4 Units of Study!! Continue to Chill for the rest of your holidays safe in the knowledge that we have taken care of RE planning for you! Introduction to Religion Over 10 Hours of Content o Six Major World Religions o World Religions Tutor Time / Assembly o What is Religion? o Religious Symbols o Six Major World Religions Market Place o Religious Festivals o Should Symbols be banned? o Philosophical Questions o Philosophical Questions Debate Generator <a title=“Christianity & God” href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/awesome-god-bundle-11499984”>Christianity & God</a> Over 10 Hours of Content o The Ontological Argument-Nature of God o Trinity o Jesus This is Your Life o Nativity-Birth of Jesus o Jesus-Man or God? o Easter o Jesus Death o The Passion & Easter in Church <a title=“Rites of Passage - Marriage” href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/religious-education-journeys-life-events-marriage-11725739”>Rites of Passage - Marriage</a> Over 8 Hours of Content o Journey of Life o Laura’s Wedding Mystery Lesson o Christian Marriage o Christian Marriage Service o Arranged Marriage o Hindu Wedding Ceremony o Jewish Marriage <a title=“Human Rights” href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/human-rights-unit-11913837”>Human Rights</a> -Over 9 Hours of Content o Fairness & Social Justice o Human Rights Lesson o Human Rights Debate Generator o Pacifism o Martin Luther King o International Women’s Day Lesson o Women’s Day Quiz o Abortion We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /
1 Year-Religious Education

1 Year-Religious Education

Religious Education - This is a whole year of RE!! It includes… Continue to Chill for the rest of your holidays safe in the knowledge that we have taken care of RE planning for you! Christianity - Over 9 Hours of Content o Introduction To Christianity o History of Christianity o Christian Denominations o The Trinity o Jesus o Sin & Temptation o Death of Jesus o Miracle Timer o Christianity Vocabulary Booklet. Hinduism Over 8 Hours of Content o Hindu Life o Trimurti o Gods & Goddesses o Ganesh o Rama & Sita o Arranged Marriages o Hindu Wedding Ceremony o Religious Festivals o Diwali o Hinduism Vocabulary Display Judaism -Over 8 Hours of Content o Intro to Judaism o God o Abraham o Moses & The Exodus o The Mitzvot o Jewish Diversity o Jewish Afterlife Religious Festivals - Over 8 Hours of Content o Religious Festivals o The Nativity o Has Christmas Lost it’s Meaning? o Sin & Temptation o Easter o Last week of Jesus Life & Church Celebrations o Rama & Sita o Diwali #BACKTOSCHOOL We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource of the same value for FREE.<br /> <br /> We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/AFL activity to use as a starter, plenary or an AFL activity during the lesson.
KS3 RE: Religious Education

KS3 RE: Religious Education

OVER 100 HOURS* KS3 RE: Religious Education GROWING BUNDLE Continue to Chill for the rest of your holidays safe in the knowledge that we have taken care of RE planning for you! A FULL THREE YEARS OF RE!!! **Over 100 **Hours of Content & 4 Units of Study!! The bundle includes:  Intro to Religions-Over 10 Hours of Content  Christianity & God-Over 10 Hours of Content  Rites of Passage – Marriage-Over 8 Hours of Content  Human Rights-Over 9 Hours of Content  Christianity- Over 9 Hours of Content  Religious Festivals - Over 8 Hours of Content  Hinduism - Over 8 Hours of Content  Judaism - Over 8 Hours of Content  Jesus - Over 8 Hours of Content  Worship - Over 6 Hours of Content  Death Over 8 Hours of Content This  Religion & Medicine** Over 8 Hours of content We hope that you enjoy this resource! If you review this resource we will give you another resource for FREE. We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite click the ‘Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. You can find us on… Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/ #BACKTOSCHOOL
Religious Education  : Entire RE Shop!!

Religious Education : Entire RE Shop!!

Continue to Chill for the rest of your holidays safe in the knowledge that we have taken care of RE planning for you! Religious Education : RE Offer! This is a growing bundle! Any RE resources that are added to our store will be added to this bundle. Grab it while you can at this introductory price! Includes: Loads of Christianity Christmas & Easter Units! Loads of Judaism Loads of Hinduism Introduction to Religion Unit ( 10 hours) Christianity & God (10 Hours) Rites of Passage-Marriage (8 Hours) Human Rights (9 Hours) Vocab Displays Fully resourced, fun and interactive! #BACKTOSCHOOL Take a look at our store for products! Whole School and Tutor Time offers will be added over the next few week. To be kept up to date with our uploads click the ‘Follow Author’ button on our page. We hope that you enjoy this resource! We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us: on Tes <a href=“https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/TeachElite”>TeachElite’s Shop</a> click the’Follow this Author button’ . We will keep you updated on any sales we throw or FREEBIES we upload. <br /> <br /> You can find us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeachEliteRE<br /> and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachElite/